March 12, 2018

12 Foolproof Ways To Add A Slow Life Vibe To Your Interior

12 Foolproof Ways To Add A Slow Life Vibe To Your Interior (and it’s totally doable)

The slow life movement has expanded to every aspect of our lives. Starting with food if I recall, and spreading to lifestyle in general. Lots of people are adopting this movement as a way of living. I personally relate to the concept a lot. Taking time to do things, stop rushing into everything, slow down life’s pace a bit really speaks to me. People, in general, tend to achieve the most things in the less time. Everything is about profitability and not about enjoyability or quality. It’s like we’ve all entered some kind of race and we are trying to reach some goals but don’t have really any clue of what are those goals…

So to me, the slow life movement is mainly about getting out of that rat race and trying to live in the moment, enjoying what you are doing at this exact second. What’s great about slow life, is that everything doesn’t need to be so neat and perfect. It’s more about the beauty of imperfections, about things that don’t necessarily fit in. A not so good looking meal, an undone bed, an irregular teacup, etc… Anything that looks more natural, more lively, less fake. In one word “authentic”.
So how does that translate in terms of home decor this is what I have been looking into. Searching amongst hundreds of home decors for that little or obvious thing that makes a home a “slow home”.

>> Take the tour of the most amazing “slow home” of the internet

Read on for 11 ways to bring that slow touch into your home. Almost every points are easily actionable.


I know pretty obvious, but there is no such thing as a slow living interior without plants. You want to make it lush and very abundant. Try to arrange it as if it a was well-organized chaos.

2. Open shelving but make it slightly messy

Open shelving has been trending for a while now, but here there is a little twist to it. Make it slightly messy. I’m not saying to not think this through. However, as opposed to minimalist shelving, where everything is geometrically set, here don’t seek for that perfect equilibrium. Make it a little too much. Too much of things, too many colors, but just a little. Am I clear 😉 ?

3.A huge bed into a small room

This one is particularly cool, an oversized bed into an undersized room. The bed can go from wall to wall, that’s okay. The whole point of this is to give the impression that the bed is a big playground, where you can read, have coffee, and so on.

4.Sink curtains

Sink curtains just like in a farmhouse. It reminds us of the good old days, where people actually took the time to do things plus, it has that kind of not-so-neat-effect. Linen curtains are especially working well.

5. Use the floor as furniture

A simple idea yet very efficient is to put things on the floor. Plants, books, magazines, decor items. Take a little-unoccupied corner in your home and try to put things on the floor. You’ll see, it’ll immediately give a real “take your time” vibe.

6.Handmade homeware goods

handmade goods naturally have that kind of imperfect feeling. Human-made things cannot be all similar there have to be some differences and that’s what makes them unique. Ceramics, hand-woven rugs, terracotta pot or illustrations are all examples of items that can bring that one of a kind feeling.

7.Grungy wall

Okay, this one is hard to put into practice but, it’s very efficient. As opposed to immaculate white walls, you want your wall to look like it has lived a lot of things throughout the years. This can translate into apparent bricks, some ancient torn wallpaper that is still visible, lots and lots of painting layers and so on…

8.Your kitchen table as if it was a counter

Using your kitchen table as a counter helps to make your kitchen more welcoming. Put a few framed illustrations on it, maybe your coffee machine, a few boxes containing useful stuff and more. As always it has to look like a well organized little chaos.

10.Vintage kitchen oven

Same as the sink curtains, vintage oven make you actually want to take time to cook. An old oven with gas instead of induction will be more inspiring when it’s time to cook. (Of course, we don’t always have the choice).

11.Mix old with new furniture

Mixing old antique or second-hand furniture with modern ones will allow you to avoid that old and grimy look that you don’t want to fall into. The challenge here is to stay on the edge. You want to make it cozy and welcoming not dirty and untidy.

12.Display art pieces in front of the other (as in the back room of an art gallery)

This last one is one of my favorite. display art pieces as if it was the back room of an art gallery. One in front of the other. What’s nice is that you can change, every now and then the room’s feeling by simply inverting the art pieces.

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Apply the slow life concept to your interior with these simple ideas

Picture credit from top to bottom: cover / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 /


[…] some time now, there has been a resurgence of candle sconces. This is probably due to the fact that the slow living movement is more and more popular all over the world. And this is not to displease us. Here is my selection […]