October 30, 2017

This Stylish Sponge Will Make You Like Washing the Dishes

This Stylish Sponge Will Make You Like Washing the Dishes (okay maybe not like but tolerate)

Washing the dishes is an activity that one would gladly do without. It’s a pain in the neck that after every meal we have to wash our dishes. Of course lots of people have a dishwasher and it makes this chore way easier.  But there always is a little washing to do even with a dishwasher.

You don’t want to put the fragile ceramics you brought back from Portugal, or the silverware you inherited from your granny in there. So there is always a little something you have to wash by hand. Otherwise how would you explain that we all have that yellow and green sponge laying on our sinks ? How is that possible? We put so much time and effort in making our kitchens look great, we should be able to find a stylish sponge on the market.

Barkly Basics

A women in Australia was actually sick of these weird colored sponges and sick of not finding any stylish sponge that she wouldn’t mind displaying in her kitchen. So she decided that she was going to make sponge she would actually like using and displaying. And that’s how Barkly Basics was born. Without revolutionizing the sponge world, she just decided to make it black and/or white. I have to say that this simple idea works well. I would gladly trade my salmon and blue, weird choice of color by the way, sponge against one of these simple black and white sponge. She has since updated her line of products by adding somme dish wash, cloth, sanitising sponge spray and other goodies.  


stylish sponge that will not disfiguring your kitchen
That round sponge is a brilliant idea since you can get a good grip at it.


stylish sponge that will not disfiguring your kitchen

stylish sponge that will not disfiguring your kitchen

stylish sponge that will not disfiguring your kitchen


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Picture credit: Barkly Basics