March 18, 2019

Step Inside This Bright Brooklyn Apartment Made of Steel-Framed Glass

Last week, I wrote about 4 staples typical of industrial design. Among these was steel framed glass. Which can be a really good solution when it comes to dividing a room to create different spaces. In the apartment below, from the instagram account femte.til.venstre, the use of steel-framed glass is not so much about dividing the space but more about letting the light penetrate the entire apartment. It also helped transform what could have been a very gloomy and long hallway into a bright and shiny one. As for the rest of the decor, it’s a brilliant mixture between scandi and boho style. Just check out the pictures below.

p.s. Johanne, the women behind the decor, just moved out of this apartment. She’s now redecorating her new place so follow her on Instagram to see what she’s up to.

bedroom steel framed glass wall
Corridor with bench and shelf
bedroom steel framed glass wall
bedroom cupboard
Corridor steel framed glass wall
kitchen stool
open kitchen
kitchen details and open shelving
kitchen and living room
living room view from the kitchen
kitchen view from the living room

Bonus pictures of the corridor before Johanne decided to go for a more minimalist look.

view of the corridor
Corridor steel framed glass wall

Picture credit : All pictures belong to femte.til.venstre” instagram account.