March 8, 2017

9 of the Best Scented Candles Your House is Lacking right now

9 of the Best Scented Candles Your House is Lacking right now

Scented candles are always a great way to make your home feel homier. In my opinion, there is not a lot of things in life that beat the feeling of striking a match and lighting a candle. So If you are like me, chances are you keep tons of candles in stock, in case there is an alien invasion or something. Prevention is better than cure isn’t it?

The power of scent

Scented candles are the upgraded version of candles. Not only they bring a cozy feeling but also fills the air with enchanted scents. Everybody has experienced, at least once in their life, the power of smells. When you pass by a garden and the smells suddenly trigger some blurry and very far away memory. It’s so brief, it usually feels like a dream but all the emotions it brings are so powerful. It’s impressive.

So to help you reactivate that connection there is between our minds and sense of smells, I have gathered 9 scented candles brands that make some unforgettable perfume. You’ll just have to choose the one scent that’ll make you go back in time.

Scented Candles

  1. Boy smells – Ash || $28 ||
    Made out of beeswax and coconut oil, each scent has been developed to have its own unique expression. The ASH candles is made of: firewood, smoke, charcoal, palo santo, and hay.
  2. Norden – Ojai – 12 Oz  find it also at Azalea || $55 ||
    The makers of Norden candles take their inspiration in places they visit. Once the candle is empty, you can always use the beautiful container as a pot for plants.  
  3. Maison Trudon – 270g  || $72 ||
    One of the oldest French candle making maison. Tradition and quality are its core values. Every candle is made by hand from the pouring to the packaging. It was the official king
  4. Brooklyn Candle Studio – 240ml   || £32 ||
    The process of candle making is 100% hand made. Known for their fresh, calming botanical fragrances and minimal, vintage inspired packaging.
  5. Skandinavisk – 200g  || 35 ||
    Every part of scandinavia is transformed into these splendid candles. Made from a blend of perfume and vegetable wax with a 100% cotton wick, it will burn for up to 50 hours.
  6. Laboratory Perfumes – 200g  || 35 ||
    Inspired by the natural flowers, herbs and aromatic botanicals of Britain and beyond,the range of candles is made from natural oils, selected with care and blended with precision.
  7. The Nomad Society – 125ml || £15 ||
    Don’t you like waking up to the smell of Banana Pancakes? Imagine living with it 24/7. The high life!
  8. Apolis – 227g  || $30 ||
    Each part of this candle has been made in the USA. The sturdy vessel and screw top lid make for easy transportation.
  9. Leif – 21 oz  || $48 ||
    Poured in house, our botanically blended candles beautifully burn with a wooden wick and a strongly scented soy wax blend. In six scents from floral to aquatic, they burn bright for 60+ hours.

[…] A dark entryway is exactly the kind of thing that can make it hard to navigate. If you live in a rental apartment, there is a lot of chances that your entryway is dark. So adding some lighting is of prime importance. It can result in a table lamp, a suspended lamp, sconces or a rechargeable lamp. But you need to see clearly in your entryways to ease your arrivals and departures. Candles add a lot of coziness so don’t hesitate to have some especially if they are scented candles. […]

[…] For even more candle love: 9 of the Best Scented Candles Your House is Lacking Right Now […]